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Become a KHS provider

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Kern Health Systems (KHS) contracted provider.

Providers interested in joining the KHS network must be enrolled and approved by the California Department of Health care Services (DHCS) Medi-cal FFS Program and remain in compliance with KHS requirements, including but not limited to:

  1. Be physically located in and providing services in Kern County for a minimum of one (1) year; and
  2. Be in good standing with KHS
  3. Meets all credentialing requirements
  4. Be able to submit claims electronically
  5. Be able to participate in the KHS electronic funds transfer (EFT) program
  6. Laboratory providers must be able to submit lab results/data to KHS electronically; and
  7. DME provider must be able to service Kern Family Health Care (KFHC) Members seven (7) days a week.

For more information regarding Medi-Cal enrollment, visit the PAVE Provider portal or refer to California DHCS for more information.

Please complete the KHS Contract Inquiry form and email the form along with supporting documentation, additional information and questions to for further review.

Already a KHS provider

Please see our credentialing documents for adding an additional location or provider to your current contract.

Credentialing information

DHCS Medi-Cal Provider Screening and Enrollment Requirements Effective January 1, 2018:

Federal Law requires all Kern Health Systems (KHS) contracted providers to be screened and enrolled in the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Medi-Cal Fee-For-Service (FFS) Program. Providers who enroll through DHCS are eligible to provide services to Medi-Cal FFS beneficiaries, even if the provider never submits claims directly to DHCS for FFS members, as well as Kern Family Health Care beneficiaries.

Prior to submitting your KHS application/inquiry, verify your enrollment status, including place of business address to ensure all data matches your application and NPI at:

All Providers, where a DHCS state-level enrollment pathway exists, must enroll in Medi-Cal through the DHCS Provider Enrollment Portal at and must meet all established place-of-business requirements appropriate and adequate for the services billed or claimed to the Medi-Cal Program as relevant to scope of practice or type of business. All providers are expected to maintain current and accurate information about yourself and/or your group as data submitted through PAVE comprises the DHCS CHHS database portal used to verify the network of approved Medi-Cal providers in California.

For more information, please visit DHCS Provider Enrollment Division at

DHCS Provider Enrollment FAQs